Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Journey - The Turns in the Road

The journey has many twists and turns which is important to understand. It is so easy to become so well acquainted with the familiar that when change comes knocking on the door we're not willing to embrace that change and follow our heart within that change. I've learned the road in the journey is not straight nor is it always black and white. There are alot of grey areas. We say we want change but in order for change to take place we have to allow that change to change us. Isn't that a lot of change?

It may seem unfortunate but it seems to be the case: the people who had the most influence in your life in the last season of your life more than likely won't be the ones to influence you in the next step of the journey. It's not that you don't put into practice what you've learned from them. They were your teachers of yesterday and those teachers of yesterday will be in place for the next group of people who need them in that season. I think this is God's wisdom in the journey.

As much as I would love for them to be a part of the next phase of life, it would be unrealistic for me to think that they will be.

In the natural, if I see a turn in a road, I won't keep driving straight because that would become a hazard. I could drive off into the river or cause someone else to be in an accident. I must follow the turns in the road.

I know this sounds so practical but it can be applied to every area of our lives. Don't become derailed because of misunderstanding. Trust the road. Trust the journey. Trust God as He leads.

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