Saturday, April 9, 2011

When Ministry Takes A Turn... Change Isn't A Bad Thing

I have a sense that the longer I live my life the picture of what ministry truely be is changing. When I graduated High School, I knew I was to go to Bible College and be trained. I had a picture in my mind that I would be a pastor. As life progressed, I became a Bible College Teacher. I have a heart for teaching. I love to teach and to share. In all those years of teaching, I noticed a huge change in me as an individual. The style of teaching changed from the mentality that "I'm the teacher -- you're the student"... to one of simply talking to people. With that came a vulnerability and an openness to share a side of me that I didn't let people see too often. I thought people wanted me to be a "strong leader". My perception of what a strong leader changed. It's not about "look at me"... it's about here's my scars.... here's my story... maybe you can identify with that. Now, I sense in my heart ministry for me is changing yet again. There is this deep sense that I want to keep that vulnerability in my teaching but I really sense that I want to be a prophetic encourager. I want to be able to have God download what He wants said and done to me and to be simply a vessel of encouragement to people....whether that be one-on-one or a church setting. I see conferences. I see some travelling involved. It's not about building my own kingdom or a name for myself because I could care less about that. If I can encourage people in their journey and relationship with God that would be amazing. If I can encourage people to go deeper in their faith....awesome. The reason I can encourage is because I've been encouraged. I used to challenge people because I was being challenged. I want to teach because I have been taught. I want to share because people have taken the time to share with me. If I can share the love that God has for people... oh what a joy! I kind of wonder if people hold on too long to what their ministry had been. Ministry, I think, is meant to change and grow and mature. What I used to do may or may not be what I am called to do today. I need to be open for change. Rather than rely on what has been, I need to rely on Him and allow Him the opportunity to bring and birth change into the calling. Wasn't it Him who birthed the calling in the first place? If He wants to bring a turn in the road shouldn't I be open to take the turn? Change isn't a bad thing....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Prayer That Changes Things

It seems as if we are living in a time of great turmoil. More than likely the turmoil has always been there, it's just manifesting itself right now. It should do thing for the believer. These things that are transpiring in the earth right now should be inspiring to the intercessors of the earth. These things should be causing a draw in our spirits to pray. These things should be driving us to our knees. We should see these afflictions as opportunities for the Glory of God to be released in the earth. The Bible says that "The Eyes of the Lord are going to and fro throughout the earth." He's looking for something. He's looking for people who will pray, who will stand in the gap, who will intercede. Change the world you live in by prayer. Afghanistan will be changed only through prayer and intercession. Iraq will be changed only through prayer and intercession. Ivory Coast will be changed only through prayer and intercession. Japan and Haiti will be changed only through prayer and intercession. I find it very disturbing that there has been so much child and kiddie porn found in my province of New Brunswick. Intercessors, we need to be praying for our province's children that they will be protected from the evils of sexual abuse. New Brunswick will be changed only through prayer and intercession. Yet in the midst of all this turmoil, there are amazing, exciting, powerful things happening in the Spirit. Be passionate once again about prayer...about communication...about hearing God speak once again. Speak what He is speaking. Seed it into the earth. It's time to pray.