Saturday, November 21, 2009

Favor....It's Not What We've Made It Out To Be


Favor is not always having things go your way but it is walking with grace knowing you're doing the best quality and quantity you can and knowing you're being noticed.

favor.... thinking about it... it's not what we've made it out to be :S.... now that's a deep thought if one will take a moment and think about it...

1 a (1) : friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior (2) : approving consideration or attention : approbation b : partiality c archaic : leniency d archaic : permission e : popularity2 archaic a : appearance b (1) : face (2) : a facial feature3 a : gracious kindness; also : an act of such kindness b archaic : aid, assistance c plural : effort in one's behalf or interest : attention4 a : a token of love (as a ribbon) usually worn conspicuously b : a small gift or decorative item given out at a party c : badge5 a : a special privilege or right granted or conceded b : sexual privileges —usually used in plural6 archaic : letter7 : behalf, interest

Favor (Transitive Verb)
1 a : to regard or treat with favor b (1) : to do a kindness for : oblige (2) : endow c : to treat gently or carefully 2 : to show partiality toward : prefer3 a : to give support or confirmation to : sustain b : to afford advantages for success to : facilitate 4 : to bear a resemblance to

Favor is something that we must understand within context. I think it is so easy to become self-absorbed within ourselves that it tends to filter into our spiritual walk. Favor is not always having everything fall into place. As long as I keep that as my measuring stick, I am simply opening myself up for grave disappointment.

Remember, God’s ways aren’t our ways. God’s ways are higher than our ways. His Thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Favor is when I can gracefully intertwine my thoughts with His thoughts and allow His thoughts to take precident.

What good parent would give their child everything that they wanted? Do we not call this spoiling the child? God isn’t into spoiling His children. He is into providing for His children the very things that are necessary for them to fulfill His Divine Purpose.

He faciliates His own purpose with the equipment that is needed to fulfill it. He knows what is best for us. He’s interested in sustaining His purpose. God is more concerned about His purpose being fulfilled deep within us than He is with our happiness. He knows how fleeting the emotion of happiness is. It comes…It goes…. As quick as it comes.

He’s partial to what He places within us.

He’s concerned with the movement of the purpose in our lives…the progressiveness of His purpose.

Think of the parable Jesus told his disciples about the man giving out talents. He gave one man 10 talents, another 5 talents and another 1 talent.

The one with 10 talents went out and risked all and doubled his talents to 10.

The one with 5 talents went out and doubled his talents.

The one with 1 talent hid it because of his fear. His fear took over and caused him to step out of trust and rest. He wasn’t willing to risk all to sow what he had been given.

The man who gave the talents were concerned with what was done with these gifts. He expected a risk to be taken. Risk will lead you to favor. Fear will lead you to a place where you aren’t able to move forward. You’re stuck at a dead end.

Don’t let your fear keep you from the place you know is available for you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Resting, Trusting, Risking

I'm reading a book by Mark Buchanan called "The Holy Wild". I always wanted to get my hands on this book but never did...until this past weekend. Man, it came at the right time. It's sparked some amazing thoughts within me. And I'm only on chapter two. I want to take this opportunity with this blog to express some of those thoughts:

There are seasons where the questioning seems to overwhelm. People don’t understand your restful position. They don’t understand your trust. It’s not their intention however their words are like daggers wanting to pierce through you and cause you to question your own trusting factor in the One who you love. People do mean well. But they’re not the ones who are found in the midst of a season of change. They’re not the ones facing decisions beyond their understanding. They’re not the ones who are facing intimidating Giants that are defying them.

I get frustrated with people who do these things. I get more frustrated with myself when I do these things. The pat answer isn’t going to do in a season of change. The religious cliches and jargon leave much to be desired.

People need a safe place sometimes to just let our their frustrations and anxieties without the feeling of being reprimanded or judged for feeling these things. People need to understand that humans need to vent sometimes. Get it out on the table. There’s nothing wrong with venting. Sure it should be in a controlled environment. One must be careful with whom they vent to. Are you in community with them? Are they in covenant with you?

If trust is shaken then it’s difficult to take the risk because you’ve lost your restful position. Maybe you haven’t lost your restful position. Maybe you just have stepped out of your restful position for a moment.

It’s too easy to stay where you are at. There is no risk in that. There is real no trusting there. You stay in the same place you’ve always been. You may find yourself stagnet, frustrated, wondering why things aren’t changing in your life.

You can’t wear someone else’s armour. You can’t wear their opinion on you. It’s not that you don’t respect them. It’s only going to weight you down. It’s going to be harder to take the risk.

Isn’t this life made up of risks? It’s supposed to be that way. God designed it that way. Giants don’t fall through insecurity. They fall with confidence in God. Trust. Courage in God.

Beyond reason. Beyond all that. Giants don’t fall by one smooth stone. But that’s the beauty of this. They fall because God is the one behind the stone.

Trust deals with relationship. But it’s more than that. I have many relationships however I may not have intimacy in those relationships. This is where trust comes into view. Trust deals with the intimate.

Trust is found in community. If trust is found in community then it is the very foundation of covenant.

In the natural, one of the main reasons for a breakdown in relationship is due to the lack of trust.
Trust can also make the relationship a truly great and wonderful experience.

I went for a walk today and this thought came to me: There is a difference between a dead end and a crossroad: a dead end: the only way out is to go backward. A crossroad is simply this: the world is at my fingertips. Wow.... that was an inspiring walk.

I've felt like I've been at a dead end for some time now. No room for progression. Stuck. It's the worst feeling in the world. However I realize that the world is at my fingertips. And that excites me.

So: let's wrap this up: When I'm in a position of rest in God, I am trusting God. When I trust God, then I'm willing to take a risk.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Laughter - Good Like Medicine

Laughter.... what a gift. Truly it is. Laughter is definitely good medicine. I needed that tonight. November tends to be a difficult month for me in the emotional realm. I tend to feel more depressed. A good belly laugh does wonders. Even for a moment, laughter can make you forget the pain of circumstance. Maybe no one else is laughing. Maybe you're making yourself look like a fool. But as long as it makes you feel better who cares, right?

Sometimes laughter can be a coverup. I've been there. I've tried to cover up my hurt and pain by trying to be funny. Alot of times it doesn't work. It only caused more pain.

So those who had me in stitches last night, thank you. You have no idea how you much you helped me. Maybe someday I'll be able to help you someday.