Vulnerability is something that we try to avoid for whatever reason. Especially when it comes to expressing our faith in Jesus Christ. We don't want anyone to think we're weak. We're supposed to be the man or woman of faith and power. Yet we deal with our humanity which can be quite daunting. I used to speak and teach so hard against emotion and soul because I wasn't allowing myself to experience wholeness. Until I am whole in my emotions and soul I will never be able to understand what it truly means to be spiritual. Being spiritual is truly learning to embrace our emotion.
This last couple of seasons have found me in a vulnerable place. It's not wrong. It doesn't mean I don't have faith. I've been reading the Bible in a different way. I see something throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation...these are human beings on a very real spiritual journey. The woman at the well in John 4 was a vulnerable woman in a vulnerable place. Jesus didn't come to the well that day to condemn her. He came to help her see that she could have a different life than what she was living.
Life looks alot different now since I had my health issue. Before that, I was frustrated with life really. Things were going on around me that really were out of my control but they would still have an affect on me. I now realize that the things I have no control over are nothing to get upset over.
So today I want to say in closing...don't feel condemned for feeling...for having emotion. It's okay to be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be who you are. Keep coming to your well. One day you'll find that Jesus may be at your well.
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