Friday, June 26, 2009

The Human side of Michael Jackson and Me

I would never have thought that Michael Jackson would make up my next blog. I never followed his music. I knew of songs like Billie Jean, Bad, and a couple of others. I can appreciate his place in music history but I was never a fan.

I heard that had taken him to the hospital and of course the jokes were flying. Maybe his nose had fallen off... then the news was very grim. He had went in cardiac arrest. Sickness is never a laughing matter. I felt guilty. Then the news came that he had passed.

No matter what may or may not have happened along the way, Michael was a human being. Above and beyond the strangeness he was a man looking for something to surfice. He was looking for real love. Aren't we all?

No matter how much money he had, he was still looking for a place where love would heal the wounds of the past.

One statement that really made me thing was from a man who had talked to Michael and asked him "Michael are you a lonely man?" He said that Michael stared at him for about 10 seconds before answering. Michael then said "I am a very lonely man."

This spoke to me something very powerful. This made him appear human to me. I could for a moment identify with him. I've had seasons in my life where loneliness threatens to overwhelm me. One can be surrounded with money, possessions, and even people and still feel very alone.

To me this sounds like the woman at the well...lonely. Rejected. Frustrated. Afraid. Alone.

Driving home last night, I felt sad. I felt sad for his two sons and daughter. I felt their loss. He was their dad, no matter what.

I pray that Michael found Jesus sitting on the well. I pray that he made his peace.

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