Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wrestling Angels, Dawning of the Day, And A New Day

So last night, as I slept, I felt a very prophetic sense in my heart. I heard in my heart this statement that I want to share. "You can only wrestle with the Angel so long. Then at the dawning of the day, you will find yourself in a totally new place in life." Sound familiar? Remember Jacob? He wrestled with the Angel in the night. This is symbolic of the night season of the very soul. We all have those moments. He had no idea that on this particular night his life would forever be altered physcially, emotionally, and spiritually.

1) Physically - The Angel touched Jacob's hip as Jacob said "I won't let you go till you bless me." Better be careful there Jacob buddy. You're blessing ended up with a broken hip. One thing about hips is that once they are broken they don't heal all that well. He ends up with a limp. This is important to understand. No longer can he rely on his own strength. He can't run away anymore. He is forever altered.

2) Emotionally - Jacob began to admit who he was. I Am Jacob. What was he saying? He was coming to the place in his life where maybe for the first time in his life he was a deceiver, a liar, a crook. This is important in order to move on. This is where I've come to. God chooses to move in extraordinary ways once our past is dealt with. Our negative past, even our positive past can't venture into the new day that is dawning.

3) Spiritually - We find Jacob's name is changed from deceiver to Israel...contender with God. This is a very spiritual experience. God begins His revelation of the covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac so long ago. Covenant comes inspite of our shortcomings. God shows up that evening where He finds Jacob between a rock and a hard place. Life changes for Jacob. He meets up with Esau, his brother who he had wronged in a sense so many times. There is somewhat a restoration. That's what God is intending for us...a restoration. In order to move forward into the new day and season of life we must recognize the reality of restoration.

As we have talked about in the last couple of blogs, we have dealt with the woman at the well. This well had a name. It was called Jacob's well. As Jacob's life was changed, so this woman's life was on a crash course of the Spirit. We find ourselves at the well. Our lives will be altered.

So in closing, I truly believe that some of us have been wrestling with the Angel. The breaking of dawn is nearing. We need to allow the Angel of the Lord to do what He intends to do, even if it means breaking our hip. There is definitely a new day ahead of us. A new season... of ministry, of life, of promotion, of good and not evil.

As horrible as a broken hip may seem, we're not going to be able to run away like we always have. Hollow out a walking stick. It's going to come in handy.

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