Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Thirst for Perfect Love

So we come to a well...a place that is supposed to quench thirst however sometimes we find that no matter how much we drink from the well, our thirst still exists. This woman who came to the well found this out. She had been approaching the well for what could have been years. She came to the well alone. She came at the hottest point of the day. Why? To avoid her past. To avoid seeing the mirror image that projected itself back to her. She had been married five times. The man she lived with wasn't even her husband. She was just living with the guy.

I'm sure she came to the point in her life where she was fed up with the ridicule, the snickers, the back-biting, the hurtful words. She came to Jacob's well. He was another who had a hard time dealing with his identity. So this woman was in very good company.

An unhealthy image creates a thirst that can only be quenched spiritually. A spirit problem needs a spirit solution. An emotional problem needs an emotional and spiritual solution.

Perfect love casts out fear. I don't know about you but I sure could use some fear casting out. Life tends to be lived in the moment yet that moment tends to be filled with strong emotional charge.

This woman saw another "Man" at the well that day who would confront her in such a way that in the end her life would be forever altered. What was the issue? He was dealing with her thirst. Her thirst had led her in ways she had no idea of. It was more than just her relationships. Obviously her relationships weren't working. Her thirst was for love. Perfect love.

She was looking for something more fulfilling. Aren't we all?

So we keep coming to the well. We confront our image. There is a day coming when Perfect Love will quench our thirst. The day is sooner than we realize. Maybe today... if we will open ourselves up to it.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, so thought provoking Clay...

    Melanie Clarkson
