Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stuck Between Two Seasons

It seems as if we're stuck between two seasons. We've had our first snow storm in October. The last I knew the first day of winter isn't until Dec 21st. So if that's the case, it's still Autumn. Some people hated to see all that snow. It caused alot of driving woes for some people. It was simply a mess.

Have you felt that way emotionally? An Emotional mess?

How about Spiritually? A Spiritual mess?

How about mentally? A Mental mess?

I have been there this week... probably all three at the same time. I won't go into details. The details would bore many of you.

Being stuck between two seasons is frustrating, grating on the nerves, difficult to understand. Change is never easy. Feeling like you're stuck is a horrible feeling.

I had a great revelation this week. I'm not stuck. There is a world of options open for me. There are a thousand doors to consider. The issue now is to know which door is the one that I am to walk through.

One of my favorite verses is found in James: If any man lack wisdom let him ask and it will be given.

That's the key for a change in life. When you're stuck in between two seasons:ask for wisdom. It will come. Wisdom will build her house in your heart and you'll know.

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