Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tired of Wrestling with the Angel Yet?

I'm back to the wrestling with the Angel idea. For the first time, I think I see something about Jacob that I've never thought of before. At the point where Jacob was wrestling with the Angel, he came to the point in his life where he had to admit to himself who he really was. He didn't need to tell the Angel any of this. The Angel already knew who Jacob had been.

Jacob is face to face with his identity. I've known this. What I don't think I've considered before is that I think Jacob was tired. I think he was weary. Sure he had devised yet another plan of escape from his brother that he had wronged....however....during the night season of his very soul, he grew weary. He was tired of wrestling with his very own soul.


I think I'm catching something here. Change can't truly take place until I come to the reality of who I have been. Change can't come until I get to the point of weariness. I'm weary of being an idol worshiper. What does that mean? Idols can be money, houses, nice cars, sex, co-dependant relationships. Anything that takes that number one spot from the True Conceptual God. My Lord. My Savior.

Are you tired yet? Are you tired from wrestling with your demons so to speak? If you're tired, lay down. Lay down your pride. Lay down who you are to discover who He's making you to be.

Jacob found himself one evening under the stars with a rock for a pillow. It was an uncomfortable place. I think we're all there... in this uncomfortable place. A rock has become our pillow. Yet Jacob had a dream of angels ascending and decending on a ladder to the heavens. Jacob awoke and made this statement: GOD WAS HERE AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!

In our place of being uncomfortable, we are in a place of great change. God is there and we're soon going to know it.

So I guess today my main thought is this: In this uncomfortable place we find ourselves in, we are ripe for change and we're going to come face to face with who we are and who He is making deep within us.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stuck Between Two Seasons

It seems as if we're stuck between two seasons. We've had our first snow storm in October. The last I knew the first day of winter isn't until Dec 21st. So if that's the case, it's still Autumn. Some people hated to see all that snow. It caused alot of driving woes for some people. It was simply a mess.

Have you felt that way emotionally? An Emotional mess?

How about Spiritually? A Spiritual mess?

How about mentally? A Mental mess?

I have been there this week... probably all three at the same time. I won't go into details. The details would bore many of you.

Being stuck between two seasons is frustrating, grating on the nerves, difficult to understand. Change is never easy. Feeling like you're stuck is a horrible feeling.

I had a great revelation this week. I'm not stuck. There is a world of options open for me. There are a thousand doors to consider. The issue now is to know which door is the one that I am to walk through.

One of my favorite verses is found in James: If any man lack wisdom let him ask and it will be given.

That's the key for a change in life. When you're stuck in between two seasons:ask for wisdom. It will come. Wisdom will build her house in your heart and you'll know.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Seasons... that's what I'm thinking about. There are so many seasons in life that come and go. It's easy to forget that each season has a Divine Order set by God. It's easy to get cluttered up with circumstance. We don't know what the season will bring. Each Season has its own specific anointing. The Season thrusts us through into that anointing that we need to walk through that season.

That means it's not always going to be comfortable. It's not always going to be pleasant in the beginning. It's going to stretch... to cause pain and heartache. Yet when that season comes to an end, we will understand what that was all about and will be forever grateful for the new growth and grace that was birthed through that season.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Thanksgiving.... we sure do have a lot to be thankful for. We are certainly blessed. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that: I am blessed. I had a wonderful time yesterday at my parents place. My sister and her family joined us for thanksgiving supper. My...what a year its been. It sure could have been a very different thanksgiving. That was something we talked about over supper. We're simply thankful for life and being alive. My niece could have left us....BUT SHE DIDN'T! She's in maintenance mode which is exciting. I could have left this earth...BUT I'M STILL HERE! Thankfully. I must still have a purpose yet to fulfill.

We take things for granted. We just expect it. I was talking with a friend about a situation and we realize that people just don't appreciate what they have for the most part. Many people have grown up in this thing (meaning church) that we don't know how it would be like to not have the opportunity for spirituality. We take freedom for granted. We don't understand how fleeting freedom can be until we don't have it anymore.

This blog is getting pretty sober.....I hope it's thought provoking though. Many times we take our health for granted (I've said that here before) until we end up lying in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors and IV's incapable to do much for ourselves.

Days of just expecting things to be just around us are over. We mustn't take for granted anything anymore. We must become proactive in every sense of the word. We must learn what it means to be aware, be involved and enjoy the journey. We know the ending but we must always be in the moment in order to enjoy the journey.

Let's be thankful--- full of thanks.