Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Just Want to Be Heard

It's the simple need of every human fell as if they are being heard. I have heard it so many times. I have felt the same way. I just wish that I would be heard when I spoke. The reality is this: people will do or say anything just so make sure they are being heard. Right or wrong.

It's the spiritual need of people today. I have been apart of this spiritual walk for more than 20 years now and the need is overwhelming. In moments and seasons of questioning, people don't need to have the religious answer. They need to express. Expression is not what we've made it. It's a very important part of our experience. People tend to shy away from those who are just wanting to be heard. "Hey, I'm in need here."

I wonder where the idea came from where we turn away those that are just wanting to be heard.

Last night my mind went back to my first year of Bible Camp. There was a young teen there...I try to remember his name... Vern...Vince..... I think it was Vern. He was a young man trying to be heard among so many voices,, thoughts, expressions.

I think of Victor, a friend of mine who took his life. For so many years he was just wanting to be heard.

I think of a guy named Tom, another young man wanting to be heard.

I think of myself. I just want to be heard.

I remember a friend of mine from high school. She had such a way about herself that she made everyone feel important beyond social class. Social class didn't matter. She was the same with everyone. She took time to say hello, to chat for a moment. She let people be heard.

I tend to think that you grow up this way. This is something that is instilled at home first. Somewhere along the road she must have been heard in life and allowed that reality to permeate every aspect of her life.

If I want to be heard then I must first learn to listen. Listening is a gift I can give to people. I don't need to have all the answers. No one's asking me to. They just want a person who will listen to them. I used to be like that...I hope to be again.

So, What do I want?
  • I want to be healthy and a whole individual.
  • I want to be happy and full of joy overflowing.
  • I want to see Andrea healthy and happy.
  • I want to see Andrea become the most incredible nurse in the world.
  • I want to be heard. I want people to be heard.

I think that when people feel like they are being heard then they feel like they are a part of society...they are loved...they are accepted.

I believe that this is a very important blog today. Let's put the religious and emotional responses down. Let's allow people to be heard... to heal.

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