Saturday, August 22, 2009

Conception Verses Perception

We serve a God of Concepts and principles. This that we see and are apart of began as a concept from the thought life of the Unseen. I heard an interview given by Terry S Taylor from a christian progressive band named Daniel Amos. He used this phrase to describe one of his band members: Man of Conceptions. This phrase stayed with me and started me thinking. So hopefully I'll be able to express myself in this blog. I feel a teaching could be coming on.

Man of conceptions: the nature of the Word that created that which we enjoy and partake of. We are also made in this very image of conceptions. We create from the same conception. Creation can not help but create. It's simply the Divine nature that creation posesses. Conceptualizing is something from the Spirit world. It's the very nature of the heart of Spirit. Spirit desires to create. He can't help be who He is: Spirit has always been. Spirit will always be. It's the Alpha. It's the Omega. Spirit was before there was a beginning and will be after there be an ending.

Because I am a lover of words, I need to find out what they mean. So bear with me.

• noun 1 the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived. 2 the devising of a plan or idea. 3 a concept. 4 ability to imagine or understand.
1. broad understanding: a general understanding of something
2. something conceived in mind: a result of thought, e.g. an idea, invention, or plan
3. biology conceiving of young: the fertilization of an egg by a sperm at the beginning of pregnancy
4. embryology fetus: an embryo or fetus ( technical )
5. origin or beginnings: the beginnings or origin of something
6. formulation of idea: the process of arriving at an abstract idea or belief or the moment at which such an idea starts to take shape or emerge
7. Same as concept (sense 1)

I love this definition. It expresses the nature of who we are. If you want a simple definition of the power of God it would be this: He created all we see with a idea. We serve a God of process. He loves to cause things which just start as an idea and bring them into shape. This is where we get it. We are created the same thing dwelling on the inside.

Everyone is possessed by the breath of Spirit. Without Spirit we can't even exist. Monet would never have painted masterpieces. Beethoven would have never been able to create concertos. Prophets could never deliever the Divine Word of God to a hungry people. Hungry people would never find anything to suffice the hunger.Christ was not a second thought or plan B to the Conceptive God. Man didn't throw a wrench into His plan.

Christ was before creation. Christ had already been made into Sacrifice before creation was.

1. interpret observations with concept: to arrive at a concept or generalization as a result of things seen, experienced, or believed2. imagine: to picture, imagine, or perceive something

From Genesis (the beginnings) to Revelation (the reality of Bringing Heaven to Earth) we see the conceptual God in all of His glory.

The question that was presented at the fall of man was simply: What am I hungry for? What was I looking for when i had everything i could ever need in my life? Herein lies the issue: the problem was in the perception. Perception - could be right...could be wrong. And there is issue in a nutshell. There is room for doubt. I'm not saying that Perception is completely wrong but I must always be on guard because perception tends to be rooted in deception. Perception isn't always the way things truly are. You can't just live your life by your perceptions because you may find yourself further away from your purpose than you really desire to be. many have an unhealthy perception of themselves and life itself.

Until we understand what we are hungry for we won't be able to progress in the spiritual side of who we are. We must learn to become more like the Conceptual God as we have been created in the image of that very Person.

The Concept of Love has been foreign to the human race. How many times have we been around people who have strived so hard to find love that the hard the strive the further away they go from that which they need so desperately. Let's bring this down a bit. How many times have I strived for that love which I desperately need and find out that I am only moving further away from it?

My perception of what Love is and the actual concept of Love tend to be two different things. When I learn to live in love with myself and God I will find myself in a better place.

The concept of Peace is something that we long for. We cry out for peace. We hold peace rallies with all the banter. Peace should start with me first. If my perception of peace within isn't in line with the concept of peace, I will continue being at war with peace. When I learn to live in peace with myself and allow that Peace to flow from within I will find myself in such a better place than I am right now.

As Kim Clement sings: You're somewhere in the future and you look alot better than you look right now.

I sure hope to be able to do a complete study of these thoughts in some form and be able to share it with students at the Bible College. These are simply ideas that I'm thinking about.

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