So I want to continue along with the thought of the last blog. Perception can be a wonderful thing if we allow the Conceptual God to harness it. We must never let perception dictate to us what the conception of your mandate, your purpose, your destiny is. So many times we try to interpret things through perception rather than allow the concept to unfold through Divine Revelation.
It takes revelation to reveal concepts because their origin is from Spirit. Only Spirit can truly reveal spiritual things. It requires faith to not only receive but to understand spiritual things.
I would like to suggest that we are only one concept away from a birthing of destiny. We are only one concept away from a breakthrough both spiritually and physically.
I want to introduce a thought to those who read:
We serve a Conceptual God who created everything out of love, joy, and peace. These are the rhythmic vibrations of the Spirit. These are the sounds heaven's symphony. When we unite ourselves to these rhythmic vibrations we come into alignment with the operations of Heaven and will experience what takes place in Heaven on earth.
Love, Joy and Peace are the breath of God. It's the vibrator of the soul. I came from love. I live in love. I will return to love.
I came from joy. I am in joy. I will return to joy.
I came from peace. I am in peace. I will return to peace.
Love created all that we see. Love is the vibration that keeps the earth on axis. Love is the vibration that keeps nature's cycles in ebb and Flo.
When I come into agreement with Heaven, the sound is a resounding "yes" in the Spirit. The Bible says, "All the promises of God are Yes and Amen" be it.
Amen comes from the root Hebrew word Aman- which means believe.
When my spirit unites with God's Spirit, conception can't help but take place.
So what is revival? It is simply the agreement between Spirit to spirit. There is life in agreement. There is hope in agreement. There is love in agreement.
So today's thought is simply this: I want to come into agreement with God so that the vibrations of the Spirit World become so intense that Heaven and Earth collide and cause a powerful revival in my time.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Conception Verses Perception
We serve a God of Concepts and principles. This that we see and are apart of began as a concept from the thought life of the Unseen. I heard an interview given by Terry S Taylor from a christian progressive band named Daniel Amos. He used this phrase to describe one of his band members: Man of Conceptions. This phrase stayed with me and started me thinking. So hopefully I'll be able to express myself in this blog. I feel a teaching could be coming on.
Man of conceptions: the nature of the Word that created that which we enjoy and partake of. We are also made in this very image of conceptions. We create from the same conception. Creation can not help but create. It's simply the Divine nature that creation posesses. Conceptualizing is something from the Spirit world. It's the very nature of the heart of Spirit. Spirit desires to create. He can't help be who He is: Spirit has always been. Spirit will always be. It's the Alpha. It's the Omega. Spirit was before there was a beginning and will be after there be an ending.
Because I am a lover of words, I need to find out what they mean. So bear with me.
• noun 1 the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived. 2 the devising of a plan or idea. 3 a concept. 4 ability to imagine or understand.
1. broad understanding: a general understanding of something
2. something conceived in mind: a result of thought, e.g. an idea, invention, or plan
3. biology conceiving of young: the fertilization of an egg by a sperm at the beginning of pregnancy
4. embryology fetus: an embryo or fetus ( technical )
5. origin or beginnings: the beginnings or origin of something
6. formulation of idea: the process of arriving at an abstract idea or belief or the moment at which such an idea starts to take shape or emerge
7. Same as concept (sense 1)
I love this definition. It expresses the nature of who we are. If you want a simple definition of the power of God it would be this: He created all we see with a idea. We serve a God of process. He loves to cause things which just start as an idea and bring them into shape. This is where we get it. We are created the same thing dwelling on the inside.
Everyone is possessed by the breath of Spirit. Without Spirit we can't even exist. Monet would never have painted masterpieces. Beethoven would have never been able to create concertos. Prophets could never deliever the Divine Word of God to a hungry people. Hungry people would never find anything to suffice the hunger.Christ was not a second thought or plan B to the Conceptive God. Man didn't throw a wrench into His plan.
Christ was before creation. Christ had already been made into Sacrifice before creation was.
1. interpret observations with concept: to arrive at a concept or generalization as a result of things seen, experienced, or believed2. imagine: to picture, imagine, or perceive something
From Genesis (the beginnings) to Revelation (the reality of Bringing Heaven to Earth) we see the conceptual God in all of His glory.
The question that was presented at the fall of man was simply: What am I hungry for? What was I looking for when i had everything i could ever need in my life? Herein lies the issue: the problem was in the perception. Perception - could be right...could be wrong. And there is issue in a nutshell. There is room for doubt. I'm not saying that Perception is completely wrong but I must always be on guard because perception tends to be rooted in deception. Perception isn't always the way things truly are. You can't just live your life by your perceptions because you may find yourself further away from your purpose than you really desire to be. many have an unhealthy perception of themselves and life itself.
Until we understand what we are hungry for we won't be able to progress in the spiritual side of who we are. We must learn to become more like the Conceptual God as we have been created in the image of that very Person.
The Concept of Love has been foreign to the human race. How many times have we been around people who have strived so hard to find love that the hard the strive the further away they go from that which they need so desperately. Let's bring this down a bit. How many times have I strived for that love which I desperately need and find out that I am only moving further away from it?
My perception of what Love is and the actual concept of Love tend to be two different things. When I learn to live in love with myself and God I will find myself in a better place.
The concept of Peace is something that we long for. We cry out for peace. We hold peace rallies with all the banter. Peace should start with me first. If my perception of peace within isn't in line with the concept of peace, I will continue being at war with peace. When I learn to live in peace with myself and allow that Peace to flow from within I will find myself in such a better place than I am right now.
As Kim Clement sings: You're somewhere in the future and you look alot better than you look right now.
I sure hope to be able to do a complete study of these thoughts in some form and be able to share it with students at the Bible College. These are simply ideas that I'm thinking about.
Man of conceptions: the nature of the Word that created that which we enjoy and partake of. We are also made in this very image of conceptions. We create from the same conception. Creation can not help but create. It's simply the Divine nature that creation posesses. Conceptualizing is something from the Spirit world. It's the very nature of the heart of Spirit. Spirit desires to create. He can't help be who He is: Spirit has always been. Spirit will always be. It's the Alpha. It's the Omega. Spirit was before there was a beginning and will be after there be an ending.
Because I am a lover of words, I need to find out what they mean. So bear with me.
• noun 1 the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived. 2 the devising of a plan or idea. 3 a concept. 4 ability to imagine or understand.
1. broad understanding: a general understanding of something
2. something conceived in mind: a result of thought, e.g. an idea, invention, or plan
3. biology conceiving of young: the fertilization of an egg by a sperm at the beginning of pregnancy
4. embryology fetus: an embryo or fetus ( technical )
5. origin or beginnings: the beginnings or origin of something
6. formulation of idea: the process of arriving at an abstract idea or belief or the moment at which such an idea starts to take shape or emerge
7. Same as concept (sense 1)
I love this definition. It expresses the nature of who we are. If you want a simple definition of the power of God it would be this: He created all we see with a idea. We serve a God of process. He loves to cause things which just start as an idea and bring them into shape. This is where we get it. We are created the same thing dwelling on the inside.
Everyone is possessed by the breath of Spirit. Without Spirit we can't even exist. Monet would never have painted masterpieces. Beethoven would have never been able to create concertos. Prophets could never deliever the Divine Word of God to a hungry people. Hungry people would never find anything to suffice the hunger.Christ was not a second thought or plan B to the Conceptive God. Man didn't throw a wrench into His plan.
Christ was before creation. Christ had already been made into Sacrifice before creation was.
1. interpret observations with concept: to arrive at a concept or generalization as a result of things seen, experienced, or believed2. imagine: to picture, imagine, or perceive something
From Genesis (the beginnings) to Revelation (the reality of Bringing Heaven to Earth) we see the conceptual God in all of His glory.
The question that was presented at the fall of man was simply: What am I hungry for? What was I looking for when i had everything i could ever need in my life? Herein lies the issue: the problem was in the perception. Perception - could be right...could be wrong. And there is issue in a nutshell. There is room for doubt. I'm not saying that Perception is completely wrong but I must always be on guard because perception tends to be rooted in deception. Perception isn't always the way things truly are. You can't just live your life by your perceptions because you may find yourself further away from your purpose than you really desire to be. many have an unhealthy perception of themselves and life itself.
Until we understand what we are hungry for we won't be able to progress in the spiritual side of who we are. We must learn to become more like the Conceptual God as we have been created in the image of that very Person.
The Concept of Love has been foreign to the human race. How many times have we been around people who have strived so hard to find love that the hard the strive the further away they go from that which they need so desperately. Let's bring this down a bit. How many times have I strived for that love which I desperately need and find out that I am only moving further away from it?
My perception of what Love is and the actual concept of Love tend to be two different things. When I learn to live in love with myself and God I will find myself in a better place.
The concept of Peace is something that we long for. We cry out for peace. We hold peace rallies with all the banter. Peace should start with me first. If my perception of peace within isn't in line with the concept of peace, I will continue being at war with peace. When I learn to live in peace with myself and allow that Peace to flow from within I will find myself in such a better place than I am right now.
As Kim Clement sings: You're somewhere in the future and you look alot better than you look right now.
I sure hope to be able to do a complete study of these thoughts in some form and be able to share it with students at the Bible College. These are simply ideas that I'm thinking about.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Pregnant With Change
We are all pregnant with change on the inside. We don't know what that change is going to look like. We are expecting with this deep change. The more time goes on the more anticipated we become. Like an expecting mother, as nine months draws closer, they become anxious to see what this change will look like. Will they have their mother's eyes, their daddy's smile?
Being in the midst of change can be exhilerating but it also can become overwhelming. You can't wait much longer. You wish God would hurry up and bring into being the change that He's desiring to birth in and through you. What is up with the Divine Delay?
I know that deep down this is exactly where I find myself. This thought of being pregnant with change came to me while I was driving home from Fredericton of Thursday. I went to church that evening and the Man of God spoke so deep into my heart. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know but after awhile of not feeling, sensing anything going on, it's incredible to know that God hasn't forgotten about you. I left that service so charged up, energized and encouraged.
You say, "Were you discouraged?" Absolutely. I was down and out. I was frustrated. I know that God has great things instore for me and it seems as if nothing of the sort has been happening. The reason being.....I haven't been in labor yet. I am still pregnant.
Some people will take mothers to be over rough roads to see if they can start the labor process. This may or may not work. Have you been down a rough road yet? I certainly have. I'm still pregnant. Only God knows the real true timing of labor.
So I wait. Patiently (hopefully). There's one thing I know: you can't be pregnant forever. It seems as if I have been for a very long time. To expecting mothers, nine months seem like an eternity.
Labor pangs are coming. You'll deliver. You'll finally get to see what this change looks like.
Being in the midst of change can be exhilerating but it also can become overwhelming. You can't wait much longer. You wish God would hurry up and bring into being the change that He's desiring to birth in and through you. What is up with the Divine Delay?
I know that deep down this is exactly where I find myself. This thought of being pregnant with change came to me while I was driving home from Fredericton of Thursday. I went to church that evening and the Man of God spoke so deep into my heart. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know but after awhile of not feeling, sensing anything going on, it's incredible to know that God hasn't forgotten about you. I left that service so charged up, energized and encouraged.
You say, "Were you discouraged?" Absolutely. I was down and out. I was frustrated. I know that God has great things instore for me and it seems as if nothing of the sort has been happening. The reason being.....I haven't been in labor yet. I am still pregnant.
Some people will take mothers to be over rough roads to see if they can start the labor process. This may or may not work. Have you been down a rough road yet? I certainly have. I'm still pregnant. Only God knows the real true timing of labor.
So I wait. Patiently (hopefully). There's one thing I know: you can't be pregnant forever. It seems as if I have been for a very long time. To expecting mothers, nine months seem like an eternity.
Labor pangs are coming. You'll deliver. You'll finally get to see what this change looks like.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I Just Want to Be Heard
It's the simple need of every human fell as if they are being heard. I have heard it so many times. I have felt the same way. I just wish that I would be heard when I spoke. The reality is this: people will do or say anything just so make sure they are being heard. Right or wrong.
It's the spiritual need of people today. I have been apart of this spiritual walk for more than 20 years now and the need is overwhelming. In moments and seasons of questioning, people don't need to have the religious answer. They need to express. Expression is not what we've made it. It's a very important part of our experience. People tend to shy away from those who are just wanting to be heard. "Hey, I'm in need here."
I wonder where the idea came from where we turn away those that are just wanting to be heard.
Last night my mind went back to my first year of Bible Camp. There was a young teen there...I try to remember his name... Vern...Vince..... I think it was Vern. He was a young man trying to be heard among so many voices,, thoughts, expressions.
I think of Victor, a friend of mine who took his life. For so many years he was just wanting to be heard.
I think of a guy named Tom, another young man wanting to be heard.
I think of myself. I just want to be heard.
I remember a friend of mine from high school. She had such a way about herself that she made everyone feel important beyond social class. Social class didn't matter. She was the same with everyone. She took time to say hello, to chat for a moment. She let people be heard.
I tend to think that you grow up this way. This is something that is instilled at home first. Somewhere along the road she must have been heard in life and allowed that reality to permeate every aspect of her life.
If I want to be heard then I must first learn to listen. Listening is a gift I can give to people. I don't need to have all the answers. No one's asking me to. They just want a person who will listen to them. I used to be like that...I hope to be again.
So, What do I want?
It's the spiritual need of people today. I have been apart of this spiritual walk for more than 20 years now and the need is overwhelming. In moments and seasons of questioning, people don't need to have the religious answer. They need to express. Expression is not what we've made it. It's a very important part of our experience. People tend to shy away from those who are just wanting to be heard. "Hey, I'm in need here."
I wonder where the idea came from where we turn away those that are just wanting to be heard.
Last night my mind went back to my first year of Bible Camp. There was a young teen there...I try to remember his name... Vern...Vince..... I think it was Vern. He was a young man trying to be heard among so many voices,, thoughts, expressions.
I think of Victor, a friend of mine who took his life. For so many years he was just wanting to be heard.
I think of a guy named Tom, another young man wanting to be heard.
I think of myself. I just want to be heard.
I remember a friend of mine from high school. She had such a way about herself that she made everyone feel important beyond social class. Social class didn't matter. She was the same with everyone. She took time to say hello, to chat for a moment. She let people be heard.
I tend to think that you grow up this way. This is something that is instilled at home first. Somewhere along the road she must have been heard in life and allowed that reality to permeate every aspect of her life.
If I want to be heard then I must first learn to listen. Listening is a gift I can give to people. I don't need to have all the answers. No one's asking me to. They just want a person who will listen to them. I used to be like that...I hope to be again.
So, What do I want?
- I want to be healthy and a whole individual.
- I want to be happy and full of joy overflowing.
- I want to see Andrea healthy and happy.
- I want to see Andrea become the most incredible nurse in the world.
- I want to be heard. I want people to be heard.
I think that when people feel like they are being heard then they feel like they are a part of society...they are loved...they are accepted.
I believe that this is a very important blog today. Let's put the religious and emotional responses down. Let's allow people to be heard... to heal.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
When Idle Words seem to Prevail....There is Still Love
How interesting life is when you think about it. Just when you think you're at your lowest, someone crosses paths with you and lets you know they prayed for you. I had a lady say that to me today. She prayed for me when I had been so sick in the hospital. I needed to hear that so badly today. Just when I think that I've gone too far from my Source, He lets me know that He's as close as the mention of His Name. It's those things that truly make life what its all about.
It's not about the daily grind.
It's not about how short you feel you come to the mark. Yes, I don't always hit the mark...the mark tends to hit me most of the time.
Idle words... oh yeah...they've been said...unproductive as they are....yet God chooses to let me know just how close He is through this one individual who caringly tells me they've been praying for me. I feel such strength in those words.
Idle words - spoken from frustration, stress, anxiety, fear, anger, depression... none of these things are productive in nature. Overwhelmed by the trials of life we tend to get caught up in the moment of things and open trap door and trap ourselves with these idle words.
It's not about the daily grind.
It's not about how short you feel you come to the mark. Yes, I don't always hit the mark...the mark tends to hit me most of the time.
Idle words... oh yeah...they've been said...unproductive as they are....yet God chooses to let me know just how close He is through this one individual who caringly tells me they've been praying for me. I feel such strength in those words.
Idle words - spoken from frustration, stress, anxiety, fear, anger, depression... none of these things are productive in nature. Overwhelmed by the trials of life we tend to get caught up in the moment of things and open trap door and trap ourselves with these idle words.
Matthew 12:36
36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
Idle Words: empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk
Words in Scripture context need to be weighed with caution and reverence. Word is Spirit as God is Spirit. When I allow myself to go down the road of empty rhetoric I am being just that: empty of the Life that I claim to have. I don't want that. I want to be full of life. There is dynamic power in word.
Much like today when that lady told me that she had been praying for me. It's so good to know that you're thought of. That you're loved. That you are on someone's mind. I think that so many times we forget the importance of each other. We get so caught up in our own world with our own issues and faults and problems that we don't take the time to find out about the other's needs, wishes, desires. Isn't that what we all want? To be loved.
I don't want to sound like I'm tooting my own horn cause that's not what this blog is for. This is purely just an example. A couple of weeks ago now, I took two bouquets of flowers to the hospital where my grandmother and uncle were receiving care. They still talk about the flowers and vases. A simple act means a whole lot in times of transition and difficulty.
So for all the unproductive idle words thank goodness that there is the Love that covers a multitude of sin. Thank the Lord for mercy...grace...abundant Spirit nature.
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