Saturday, July 25, 2009

Second-Hand Faith Vs First-Hand Faith

Faith is something that is absolutely important to me. I grew up in the church from the time of a 4 year old child. The question that I hear all the time is this: is your faith your own or was it taught? I think it actually is a bit of both. Yes, I grew up in Christianity. However at some point, my faith developed beyond what I was taught. It went from being my mother's faith to becoming something so much more personal and real. It became my own.

I take my faith personally. I don't have a second hand faith. Yes, it was passed down to some degree however this faith is my own. Faith comes by hearing and I do appreciate the stories of the healings, miracles, signs and wonders. They are used to help enhance my faith. However I want to experience faith.. I want to experience the miracles, signs and wonders. I have experienced healing in my life.

I can't hold onto people's coat strings in this experience. I must know God for myself. I must see Him for Who He is. I must understand that He wants to show me His ways. I've grown in my faith over the years. I've had my faith on the sidelines as well. Not that I ever stopped believing. There have been times where I've checked out of living for a while. Yet I always seem to come back to what really matters... faith. I learn what faith is in the darkness. I learn how strong I am through the valleys. I learn what faith truly means when I consider my relationship with God.

• adjective & adverb 1 (of goods) having had a previous owner; not new. 2 accepted on another’s authority and not from original investigation.
— PHRASES at second hand by hearsay rather than direct observation or experience.second-hand

Faith requires a direct personal connection. It requires observation. My faith is more than hearsay. It's more than just nice little Bible Stories I grew up with as a child. My faith is built on nothing less than the experience I received throughout my spiritual journey.

No, my faith is nothing new. Its been new to me. But it's something I can't impart to anyone. I can encourage people in their journey of faith. Faith must become original to me. It has to become original to you.

Here's a thought: maybe faith starts out second-hand. Then it moves on from there to becoming a deep personal spiritual experience. Have a first-hand encounter with the One who loves you. Have a first-hand encounter with faith. Have a first-hand account of how Love won you over.

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