Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Journey: One Year of Risks, Faith, and Water Walking

One year.

An Anniversary.

A new day for me.

A life changing, life-altering day.

That's how I describe this weekend coming.

August 1st, 2010, I got ready for a morning church service. I didn't know anyone at this new church I was about to go to. I knew of them but that was all. I walked in, and felt at home even though I didn't know these people.

These people: are who I now call dear friends.

I didn't go there expecting to make it my home church. I knew a change was coming into my life. I didn't know what that change was going to look like. I'm glad I didn't talk myself out of going. I almost did. I'm so glad I didn't. I opened myself up to love, to friendship.

We all have a journey we must walk. We must be open to the twists and turns of that journey. To hear God's voice sometimes requires us to take a risk. To follow in His footsteps requires us to take a risk. We sometimes need to step out of the boat of familiarity and defy gravity.

Those first few weeks required me to walk on water so to speak. Now I know that Jesus was walking on the water with me. I continue to trust the journey.

I look forward to the 2nd year of the journey.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Laying Aside the Judgements: Moving from Judgement to Truth

So my thoughts may seem a bit melancholy with this post.

I had heard earlier in the week of someone's passing. I never met them that I am aware of. I had heard of them but always in a negative light so it formed my perception of them but does my perception make them who they really are?

Has what I heard of them be the truth or is it based on someone else's perception?

We do this a lot. We take what we have heard and four our own perceptions and judgments and call them truth. We call it "discernment". Our truth.

Not every "bad" person has only "bad" qualities. There may be many contributing factors to have created the "bad boy" image. There is good in everybody. Sometimes one has to take the time and search for it.

Not every "good" person has only "good" qualities. We are human. We have flaws, failures, indescretions.

So it brings me to the point of this blog. Who set me up as judge and jury on the lives of people? Jesus said so many times "Don't judge. It's not your job." And yet how often I find myself doing it. Judging people is not loving people. Only God is supposed to judge.

I remember a kid growing up and he had such a temper and a bad reputation. I thought, "What a bad kid!" No... he was a kid trying to make it in the world the best he knew how. I don't know where he is now. Hee was a kid who needed love.

Some people seem hard to love but maybe that's the challenge.

Then I think of Victor. A hard life... a hard hand dealt. I wish he would have won with that hand. I wish I could have been better with him rather than judge him. I wonder if we'd have remained good friends no matter where in the world we would find ourselves after all these years? I'd have loved to celebrate with him becoming a grandfather. I would have loved to have good long talks...encourage one another on our respective journeys.

So I think I best lay down the gavel, take off the pious judge's robe and just be what a true normal person should be.... gracious, full of mercy, love, compassion, a big heart full of rooms for everyone. It's time I extend beyond mysel, lay aside all those presumptions, perceptions, and lies and really desire truth. Seek Truth. Search for it. Go after it like a lover.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What I Would Do.... the Journey from Pain to Growth

I hate to see people in pain. I hate to see those I love with all my heart end up having a broken heart themselves. If I could I would protect them from having to experience such feelings.

As good as my intentions may be: there's nothing I can do.

It's a helpless feeling actually.

I'd fight, scream, cry... anything if it would mean that those I love were safe from being hurt.

Sometimes it is through pain that growth happens. If I protect those I love from pain then maybe they won't learn the lessons they need.

Do I wish someone would have protected me? Yes and no. I don't enjoy being broken hearted. I don't enjoy pain.


I have learned so much in my 35 years....sometimes through the hardships of life. I can't discredit the school of hard knocks, broken hearts and the freedom of souls.

It's hard to stand back and watch. But it's something that I need to do. I need to pray and trust that the same God who brought me through will bring through the ones I love.

Some of you are about to embark a journey that is something you never thought you'd walk but I know you will make it.