God doesn't want to be just a part of your life......He wants to BE your Life.
I find this to be a vital statement. I look back on my life and realize just how much He has been my life. He wasn't just a part of what I've done....He was the reason I did what I did.
I love what this statement entails. In the midst of what I call nothingness, God was there. God was hovering, moving, breathing, having His way. He was creating.
He wants to be the center of our Universe. Our World. Our reality.
God wants to be and is bigger than our issues. We are an issue oriented creation. For whatever reason, we have a hard time to let things go. I think part of the reason is that we have been taught to be issue oriented. We have centered ourselves rather than centering God in ourselves.
Grace, love, mercy....these are idealogies of New Testament thinking.
Judgement, condemnation, fear.... these are idealogies of Old Testament thinking.
So many times I have been an Old Testament follower rather than a New Testament believer. When I forget that the nature of God is love...then I truly forget my own beginning. I was created out of love. Out of love was I formed. My beginning was from love.
God is more love than He is judgmental. God doesn't want to execute judgment? He has to sometimes but I don't think it makes Him pleased to do so. I believe judgment is the last resort.
Remember mercy.....
Remember love....